- Google App Bookタ穝茬旅竒材 No. 1425集禙宫
- セ癘魁CBETA 筿︱ㄥ盒 CD8 (Big5)ЧΘら戳2002/01/01
- 絪胯弧セ戈畐パい地筿︱ㄥ穦CBETAㄌタ穝茬旅竒┮絪胯
- ﹍戈拷马瓣紈矗ㄑ瑿膀穦矗ㄑ琘紈矗ㄑ
- ㄤㄆ兜セ戈畐パ禣瑈硄冈灿ず甧叫把綷い地筿︱ㄥ穦戈畐膀セざ残
- Taisho Tripitaka Vol. T22, No. 1425 集禙宫
- CBETA Chinese Electronic Tripitaka Version CD8 (Big5), Release Date: 2002/01/01
- Distributor: Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA)
- Source material obtained from: Text as provided by Mr. Hsiao Chen-Kuo, Text as provided by Gaya Foundation, Text as provided by Anonymous, USA
- Distributed free of charge. For details please read at The Brief Introduction of CBETA DATABASE
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